Title: Teardrop
Author: Lauren Kate
Series: Teardrop Series #1
Genre(s): Romance, Fantasy, Young Adult
Publication Date: October 22, 2013
Publisher: Delacorte Books for Young Readers
Page Count: 441
Never, ever cry... Seventeen-year-old Eureka won't let anyone close enough to feel her pain. After her mother was killed in a freak accident, the things she used to love hold no meaning. She wants to escape, but one thing holds her back: Ander, the boy who is
everywhere she goes, whose turquoise eyes are like the ocean. And then Eureka uncovers an ancient tale of romance and heartbreak,about a girl who cried an entire continent into the sea. Suddenly her mother's death and Ander's appearance seem connected, and her life takes on dark undercurrents that don't make sense. Can everything you love be washed away?