We're now obsessed - Fictionally and Literary-ly!

I've been searching for a co-blogger for a while now, and I'm thrilled to unveil the co-blogger that will be joining me on Fictionally Obsessed. Thank you to so much everyone who applied, there were definitely some remarkable applications.

Today, I'd love to give a warm welcome to Cody from Literary-ly Obsessed (anyone notice the similar blog names?)! We first met when she contacted me for a design, and we became fast friends. I love her stellar reviews and we are also both MASSIVE fangirls who fangirl over Rowan Whitethorn without shame.

Hey everyone!

I’m Cody a shameless book nerd and book boyfriend collector from the UK. I spend far too much of my time obsessing over fictional characters. I mostly read YA but my favorite genre has to be fantasy, although I will read anything with a good romance but I absolutely love a good rip-your-heart-out cliffhanger! 

I blog over @ Literary-ly Obsessed and you can catch me on Twitter @CodyLeighDuffy – I love making new friends and fangirling over books, characters hot guys, authors, food.. well anything really, so feel free to say Hi! I'm a huge fan of Throne of Glass, The Winner's Curse, The Raven Cycle and anything Shadowhunter just to name a few.
Thanks again to Olivia for allowing me to join the Obsession ;) <3

Speaking of Queen of Shadows, we also have a giveaway for a hardcover copy! I previously ordered a copy online, but being the book hoarder I am, (and it wasn't the best decision for my wallet either) I just could not resist when I saw a signed copy at the bookstore. So now I have an extra copy of Queen of Shadows up for grabs :)


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Eeeppp hi Cody! I absolutely love your blog and can't wait to read your posts here too! <3

  2. Hi, Cody! *waves* Hope you have a nice time co-blogging!

    Congrats on finding your co-blogger, Olivia! I'm so glad you found someone :) I look forward to seeing you both blog :D <33

    1. Hi Ranu *waves back*, Oh I can't wait to get started, it's going to be so much fun <3

  3. You found your Co blogger super quick Olivia! Welcome Cody!!

    1. Haha I had to find one before school started (and its starting in a few days!!)

  4. Congrats to you two!! Welcome Cody!! Ahhh I'm so excited, Liv was my first blogging friend ever and I love Fictionally Obsessed, so I can't wait to see what you two do together :)

    Rachel @ A Perfection Called Books

    1. Thanks so much Rachel, I'm so excited! It definitely makes blogging more fun :)

  5. Woo, congrats guys! :) Finding a co-blogger is always amazing news. I love how similar your blog names are too!

  6. Congrats, Olivia!!! So excited to see that you got a co-blogger!!! And welcome, Cody!!!! I'm sure you guys will be an awesome co-blogging team! Looking forward to seeing what you both have in store :)

  7. Just saw her blog and wow u guys are such a good team. Can't wait for future posts!

    Alex @ The Book's Buzz

    1. Us? PFFFFFT. We waste all our time fangirling instead of writing actual posts ;)

    2. This is very very true, this could actually be the end of our blogs :/ What have we done? muhaha :P

  8. Aww congratulations!! It's nice to see you over here too Cody! :D

  9. Hi! Lovely to see another blogger on here! Also can I join you ladies with the Rowan-love? :)

  10. Haha, fancy seeing you over here, Cody! Congrats to you both, and I can't wait to see what you two will be coming up with later on! :D
    ~Erika @ Books, Stars, Writing. And Everything In Between.

  11. Welcome to the blog, Cody! I already follow you over on Literary-ly Obsessed, but seeing you here as well will definitely be so cool! Ooh, and I would really like to win this one, being honest xD I hope you had a nice time meeting Maas as well!

  12. Yeay, welcome to the blog Cody. Have fun co-blogging girls :D

  13. Cobloggers are the best! Hope you guys have fun! :) And thanks for the giveaway, crossing my fingers for this one! :)

  14. Hi Cody! Congrats on co-blogging together! Hope you guys have fun and thank you for this amazing chance! :)

  15. Congrats on finding a co-blogger!! I hope have some fun collaborations! And thanks for the epic giveaway :)


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