Hey guys!! Remember me? :D

Execpt...I don't think I can say that so casually... *hangs head in shame* For those of you who've wondered where I've mysteriously disappeared to for the past three months, let me start off by saying sorry for taking off so suddenly, committing random acts of disappearance for the past six months, then coming back from the dead one day as if I was here all along...I had said earlier in February that I'd return a few weeks later with my current blog design. And I did, except I committed the disappearing act yet again.


I'm ashamed to say that *takes deep breath* I somewhat lied about coming back during July. It is well into late August and school is almost starting soon *cries* and I'll be going into grade 9 in September. Someone please hold my hand I don't want to go to high school 

I had originally planned to blog blog blog blog blog the entire summer but certain things got in the way, though they can hardly be an excuse for the unannounced hiatuses.

1. I just got super lazy. 

Summer really does have that effect on me...please let me know I'm not alone heheh

2. I somehow started playing League of Legends?

Ever heard of that stupid game that all the guys in your school were talking about? They'd go on and on about DPS and TSM <3 and Phantom Dancers vs Statikk Shivs and omg what am I saying here sorry for that, but oh god this game is so addicting and I just can't stop. It's ridiculous to think of it myself, I never though that somehow I'd go from a quiet activity like books to gaming.

3. I secretly became an otaku!

It turns out that gaming and anime + manga come in a package. ANIME IS THE BEST AND I CAN'T STOP WATCHING IT!! ARE THERE ANY OTHER OTAKUS OUT THERE??


I suppose this is the time to make my confession. Despite all the fun times I had playing League and watching anime, I was just drawn back to my blog. AND IT WAS BECAUSE OF YOU GUYS. I really missed talking to the people in the book blogging community and remembered how kind you guys all were :') It made me want to book blog again and go back to the times where I could just talk about books all day. 


As much as I'd like to deny it, I don't think I can keep up with blogging, not to mention at least 2 posts a week with school life. However, I genuinely don't want to stop blogging and give up on FictObs because  I feel as if it has been such a huge accomplishment to meet so many people and I don't want this blog design to go to waste.

I ranted about my problems for a while to Rachel @ A Perfection Called Books and found out that getting co-bloggers reduce a lot of stress. So that's exactly what I'm going to do! I'm going to start blogging again for a bit while desperately searching for co-bloggers to join me at Fictionally Obsessed. I did formerly do a search in January, but Jasper had to take a leave :(

If you're interested, below is a form! I'd be happy to receive an application from ANYONE!

Again, thank you so SO much for being patient with me and my problems :") I'm accepting applications until September 4, 2015


  1. Hi! I followed your blog a few months ago and forgot all about it because, well, the disappearing act! Glad to see you're back, though. I applied to be your co-blogger, and hope you find a good one, even if it isn't me :)

    Ranu @ The Araliya Bookshelf

  2. HEYY Olivia. MISSED YOU <3 OMG finally a girl that plays league of legends. I main Lux, wbu? LOL that's kind of freaking awesome I found another blogger who plays. I've ranted about it on my site but no one seems to understand what the hell I'm talking about! Anyways I get lazy all the tme so i call my sister and ask if she can start a blog post for me! She's the best. I would love to be your coblogger but unfortunately my hands are tied. You're so nice and sweet though so I just know u won't have any problems finding one!

    P.S. I know how addicting League is!! When I saw my friends starting it I was like omg this game looks so stupid. Now I'll be playing all night without a wink of sleep.

    Alex @ The Book's Buzz

    1. I CAN SO RELATE!!! We will be the best of duoq partners :DD


    Yes join us in the blogging world yet again. League took you away from us for long enough ;) I shall be tweeting this post from the rooftops so I hope it helps!

    And I hope you find a great co-blogger or two because they make blogging so much more fun and relaxing :)

    Rachel @ A Perfection Called Books

    1. I'm forever in your debt Rach! Thank you <3 Now let's see if I still remember how to write those blog posts...


    I've heard of League, but I think I've retired from the gaming world. I'll be tweeting this as well - I'll get to it after school.

    Good luck finding a coblogger or two - I would apply, but I'll probably be considered a contributor with a sporadic post a month. So MAYBE I'll apply. ;)

    1. SOPHIAAAA!!! It's been so long, and thanks so much!!! <3 Even if you don't apply that's okay, but give a little thought to it hmm? :D

  5. YOU'RE ALIVEEEEEEEE!!!! I've missed you! <3 You've been gone for so longgggg! Wait. I just remembered that I haven't been blogging for 2 months now so...umm oops?

    I'm so glad you're back! Good luck with finding a co-blogger! I would totally apply, but I obviously have trouble managing one blog already XD In fact, I think I'm going to be looking for a co-blogger myself. :)

    1. HEYYYY MAISHA!!! I see you haven't been blogging for 2 months too lol XD I've missed you too!! Good luck with finding a co-blogger too :D Or...this is just an idea but perhaps we can co-blog on each other's blogs? Idk, but I'm looking forward to reading your posts when you get back into blogging too :)

    2. Ooh, that's a fabulous idea! I'm totally interested :)

    3. I'll see how school goes in September and I'll email you :D

  6. Hey there, Olivia. I love that we have the same name ^^ I like that you are looking for a co blogger but I am not sure I am going to apply :/ I have put SO much into Olivia's Catastrophe and I get the feeling that I can't be on two blogs and I don't want to give mine up yet :/ Maybe in the future but I don't think the time is for me.

    BUT it is so good to have you back and I am glad to see you up and around! Trust me, the summer makes everyone lazy. I even had a month away from blogging this summer ^^

    1. I really was planning on blogging a ton this summer, but I ended up doing the opposite XD Managing one blog is hard, not to mention two :P Thanks for stopping by though Olivia! :))

  7. welcome back Olivia! Don't let blogging stress you out! I'm happy that you're thinking about getting a co-blogger though! That should be fun and should reduce the pressure you feel!

    I haven't watched anime in FOREVER. I do occasionally watch Card Captor Sakura because I will never grow out of it! <3

    1. Thanks Amber!! I'm really hoping that co-bloggers will make the blogging experience more fun and less stressful :D

  8. Hey Olivia!! Welcome back!!! Ugh I know exactly what you're talking about... I thought I would be so productive this summer and get everything that needed to be sorted out all taken care of but instead it was traveling, traveling, traveling and working, working, working like ALL THE TIME! Ugh. I almost have more time during the school year! Anyways, welcome back!

    Laura @BlueEyeBooks

    1. It's not that I don't have time during the summer, I just get super lazy and end up not doing anything lol. But during the school year, I somehow manage to get a LOT more done :P


Share your thoughts and opinions! I love receiving them and I will always comment back. I don't bite :)