Midnight Thoughts: The Love Triangle

The love triangle is obviously absolutely necessary in every YA book out there. It has us biting our nails, wiping the anxious sweat away, and longing for the next books and the series to end. For me, "WHICH CHARACTER DOES OUR MAIN CHARACTER CHOOSE??" is what's going on in my mind all the time when I'm reading a book with a love triangle. At one point, I stop reading the book for the plot, but for the triangle to end. It's the oldest trick in the book to keep us wanting to read the next instalments of a series and I have yet to come across a young adult book that doesn't have one. First, let's break down the types of love triangles.

The Weak Attempt 

As the title suggests, this kind of love triangle is a weak attempt. This is when we're fairly certain that the couple is a couple, when suddenly, another cute character comes in. But in this scenario, we know that there's really no way that the ship could sink. The weak attempt of a secondary love interest can come in any point of the story after the couple is most likely a couple. It's not the worst kind of love triangle but it still makes me a tiny bit anxious that the secondary love interest will steal our MC away. Very unlikely, but it's still a possibility. 

Love at First Sight 

I've noticed that a lot of times where books have love triangles in them that the MC ends up with the first character introduced in the novel. However, this isn't always the case, but there are some dropping hints about how the MC feels more towards character X. One of the more predictable type love triangles. 

The Even Larger Act

We think they're established after the big act. They've confessed their love for each other *cough cough*, and we're relieved that the couple will be together for the remainder of the series and that we'll read cute couple scenes from now on. Then, the secondary love interest comes in after they're established. Our MC starts having second thoughts about which character is better and which one they should choose (Why would they even have second thoughts in the first place after the act?? But then again, this is a rare occurrence in YA books so whoever invented this is bound to have some other rare occurrences follow up, such as having the secondary love interest win...). I haven't come across this type of love triangle very much (SJM...) but when I do, it's hell, especially when the other books in the series haven't come out or the series just started. 

Opinion On Love Triangles?

Love triangles are definitely not my thing. With our MC taking their time choosing between which character to be with, it drastically takes away time that they could have already been a couple. Though they add so much suspense/tension to reading the novel in addition to the plot, sometimes there's just too much going on. This isn't a bad tactic for authors to keep their readers hooked, but I'm one for more action, more mystery, more suspense, and less time spent with our indecisive main character. This might be a little selfish on my part, but sometimes the love interest who lost is an amazing person, and I don't want him/her to end up with someone other than our MC. The absolute worst is when OUR SHIP LOSES. Or sometimes we saw it coming but the ship we chose was such a better choice...

What are your thoughts on love triangles? Are there any other types I haven't mentioned?


  1. You know, I sometimes wonder why it's called "love" triangle because nobody their loves each other. Usually (TID the exception) if you love a person, you don't go thinking "But that guy is sooo hottttt." They usually like/lust after one another. not LOVE.

    Anyway, I CAN like a love triangle but it's unlikely. Either it's Throne of Glass or the love triangle doesn't last longer than a book. That's the only way a love triangle doesn't make me want to tear my hair out.

    And I make it a point not to read love triangles in contemporary cuz it will prob be the only thing the whole book focuses on and I just... can't. Unless one person in the triangle is homosexual or bi, I really want to read a love triangle like that!

    Great post! Love the categories and totally agree with love triangles just being so annoying.
    ~Fari 0:)

    1. Yes! The Throne of Glass love triangle-I mean love pentagon-seriously is epic! It's one of the rare ones that I really look forward to, with so much plot intertwined along with the romance.

  2. I totally agree with you! I think love triangles are so frustrating (especially, like you said, when our ship loses...) My least favorite part about love triangles is that it just seems so... unrealistic. I mean, great for you that two guys (or girls or whatever) like you at the same time, but honestly if you don't decide, I am pretty sure the love interests would move on because you're acting way too entitled and messing around too much with their hearts.... I also think the prince and the guard is a common love triangle. I know it's rather specific, but it's definitely a common one. For example, Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas, the Defy series by Sara B. Larson... There are plenty more but I can't think of them right now. Oh and the 3rd type of love triangle you mentioned really bothers me. I absolutely was loving a series, and the couple was completely established from the beginning of book 1 all throughout book 2, and suddenly a new love interest pops up out of nowhere for book 3. I still have yet to read the final book because of my knowledge of said second love interest...

    Fantastic post!!!

    1. IKR. I really can't imagine love triangles happening irl...Come to think of it, the prince and the guard triangle is really common, made me think of the Selection series. When it's a prince and a guard triangle, I usually expect the girl to end up with the prince (not saying that I ship it most of the time), because ITS A PRINCE. They always turn out to be charming and handsome :-\ But there is one case where I've been wrong...

    2. Oh wow The Selection was the most obvious one of that type... I can't believe I forgot about it. And oh no I don't like the sound of that... I always seem to root for the prince... I'm not sure why. I've only read the first Throne of Glass book and feel like it's not going to go in my favor though... Hmm...

    3. Oh gosh, the love triangle in ToG is a pentagon...Even though I thought Crown of Midnight settled the triangle, SJM pulled the bigger act :(((

  3. I actually don't mind love triangles, so long as the author doesn't use for the sole purpose of keeping us reading for longer. They can be bit frustrating at times, though, but I thought the love triangles in The Infernal Devices, The Hunger Games, and Shatter Me were well-written.

    I HATE the best-friend love triangle, though, where the MC has to choose between her best friend and another hot guy, because I hate how it wrecks the relationship with the best friend!

    Ranu @ The Araliya Bookshelf

    1. Yes, I totally forgot the best friend love triangle!! I feel like the "girl and guy bffs where the guy ends up liking the girl" is really overdone and I usually don't ship the bffs together, although I did prefer Gale in THG. Because why is it always the guy that confesses first to the girl?? If the guy didn't confess, would the girl notice a thing...

  4. WHATTT I actually don't like love triangles lmfao! It's unfair because usually the girl ends up with the guy that I don't like!! It's never in my favor. Also there are some series that just drag out their love triangles so that the girl goes back in forth between choosing guys and then chooses the one I don't like in the end. I hate when the girl protags try to spend time and kisses both guys. That's totally wrong!!!! It doesn't matter if both of them are in love with her omg!! That's so horrible! Awesome post though but it made me angry Lmfao!! GAHHH I hate love triangles D:

    Alex @ The Book's Buzz

    1. OH GOSH THAT IS THE WORST!! (when the girl kisses both of the guys, I mean) Really don't get how the mc doesn't find it "cheating" on the other even if they're not together. Sometimes I end up choosing the guy that I just have this feeling that they're going to lose (like VA and Twilight) >.<

  5. I really dislike love triangles, even in movies or in TV series. I know it can create tension and add spice to the story, but it just infuriates the heck out of me.

    Dre @ Sporadic Reads

    1. Definitely. During the time where there could have been some romantic romance happening instead is used to "solve" the triangle.

  6. I still don't think it should be called a love triangle. I mean, let's say we have John, James and Jeanine. John likes Jeanine and Jeanine likes John. That's one line. James likes Jeanine and Jeanine likes James. That's another line. But John and James don't like each other, so how does that make a triangle? It's more like a Love V. Or a love arrow.

    1. Lol, you're absolutely right!! Maybe they couldn't think of a better name for it ^.^ but I seriously wonder the same thing...

    2. Well they should come up with a new word now! I would love that.

  7. I am someone who says a HUGE no to love triangles, and always did... until recently. I have started to maybe be okay with some of them. Because although most are terrible, pointless and completely unnecessary and unrealistic there are a few where I can understand because their reasons for existence actually make sense. But most times I am a no on this one!

    1. So many YA books have triangles these days, I'm not even sure which books DON'T have a love triangle. So it's pretty hard to not come across one :((

  8. Argh, I hate love triangles so much!! Most of the time, the girl is crushing (or in love) with her best friend that she has known forever. Then she meets another guy and instantly falls in love with him. That always annoys me. I get feeling an instant spark of chemistry, even if you are in love with someone else. I just wish that for once, the girl would realize it's just a harmless attraction and she's not in love and a new attraction is no reason to throw away a guy she has known forever. A girl can hope, I guess.

    1. Yes, the best friend/new guy love triangle really annoys me too!! And it just so happens that the best friend doesn't confess their feelings until AFTER the new guy shows up. As well, once the new guy shows up, it's instalove between them, which is really unfair to the best friend :(


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