Feature & Follow Friday - Bring Back to Life

Feature & Follow is hosted by two hosts, Rachel @ Parajunkee's View and Alison @ Alison Can Read. This meme is a great way to meet new bloggers, discover new blogs, and gain followers! I'll follow you if you follow me :)

I've never done a Feature & Follow Friday before, so I thought, why not do one now? This week's question is:

Characters, sometimes our favourites, die during books. If you'd get to choose, who would you bring back?

Surprisingly, I'm actually not all that keen on bringing back any character who died in a series. It's not that I haven't read many books that characters died in them, but there's not really a character that I loved enough to want to bring them back, and since authors usually just kill off some of their stock characters and not the main characters, I don't really have a person I want to bring back. Maybe Sirius Black though. Just because...

The only book I know of that killed off the protagonist was Divergent. BUT, I disliked Tris so much that I was perfectly content with her dying...

What about you? Which characters would you bring back?


    I would pick Fred Weasley... I was so sad when he died! I really liked the twins :'(

  2. Yes, HP series really killed off some well-liked characters. Or maybe there were just a lot of awesome characters to begin with, so anyone who died would have been tragic.

    New GFC Follower

    Kat @ Readiculous Blog

  3. Lots of Harry Potter-y answers today! I'm with you about Tris though - I disliked her a lot too, so her death didn't really mean all that much. Shocking, yes, but I wasn't too upset!

    Following back via GFC! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
    Kristen @ One Chapter Ahead

    1. Me neither! I was happy when she died because I just got so sick of her!

  4. WILL HERONDALE. I can't accept the fact that tessas with jem. It must be Will.

  5. I wouldn't choose anyone cuz it'd be too hard to choose. It's like "pick your favourite book in 3 seconds". NOT POSSIBLE.

    1. Woah. Then you must have read a lot of books where characters die all the time :-o

  6. I knooowwwwwww. Sirius! Come back! Come back!

    Thanks for following. Following right back via GFC.


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